Suffolk high school hosts Young Chamber business event

By Comms Team | Published on 15 February 2018 | 2 min read

Sir John Leman High School in Beccles, Suffolk, hosted the local business community this week, marking the start of EDF Energy’s patronage of the Suffolk Young Chamber.

Over 50 local businesses came together with school leaders and students in what promises to be the first of a series of events designed to bridge the gap between the corporate and education sectors.

The breakfast event saw Sir John Leman’s Head Boy, Elliot Fenn and Head Girl, Molly Ellis, host the visiting businesses and compere the event. Whilst networking they tackled topics such as what qualifications, skills and experience help a candidate stand out from the crowd when looking for a job and were able to meet up with apprentices from EDF Energy’s Sizewell B power station.

Speaking at the event, Tom McGarry, Sizewell C Head of External Relations, thanked Sir John Leman for hosting the event and said: “EDF Energy, which operates Sizewell B power station and is looking to build Sizewell C has a very strong track record of working with schools and colleges and inspiring young people to study Science, Engineering and Maths subjects. There are great opportunities in the energy sector and events such as this help us understand the needs of schools and vice-versa.”

Michael Taylor, Head of Sir John Leman High School said: “Sir John Leman is delighted to host the Young Chamber. We believe we can positively shape our students’ future by working collaboratively with local businesses and opportunities like this showcase the school and its students to thriving local industries. It was particularly useful to hear directly from employers, such as EDF Energy, about local job opportunities.”

Posted by Comms Team