Sizewell B apprentice scoops top award

By Comms Team | Published on 22 December 2021 | 2 min read

The latest cohort of apprentices to qualify and move into full time jobs at Sizewell B have marked the occasion in a special ceremony with the Station director.

There was a surprise for one of them, Brer Cornish, who scooped two awards at the socially distanced graduation ceremony this month.

Brer said: “Our station director surprised us by bringing two boxes from a cupboard and informing us that he had further awards to present. I was amazed to discover that both of these awards were being presented to me, for being ‘Sizewell Technical Apprentice of the Year’ and also ‘Overall EDF Fleet Technical Apprentice of the Year’

“I was initially overwhelmed by being presented with these awards but also very proud that my efforts throughout my apprenticeship hadn’t gone unnoticed. This proved to me that my hard work throughout the four years of my apprenticeship had been worthwhile.”

Robert Gunn, Sizewell B Station Director, said: “Nothing gives greater pleasure than seeing the next generation join Sizewell B.  I wish all our apprentices a long rewarding career which could start here and progress to Sizewell C following the footsteps of those who came across from Sizewell A.”

The four recruits all joined the apprenticeship scheme from local schools and colleges in 2017(L-R): Suzanne Jones, 18, (Northgate High School and Suffolk New College), Brer Cornish, 18, (Bungay High School and Sixth Form and Lowestoft College), Brandon Ayers, 20, (Benjamin Britten High School, Lowestoft College) and Adele Jenner, 16, (Hartismere School).

To find out more about our apprenticeships, click here.

Posted by Comms Team