Sizewell C Stage 1 Consultation engages over 4,000 people

By Comms Team | Published on 12 February 2018 | 3 min read

After eleven weeks of events, exhibitions and meetings, Stage 1 of the Sizewell C public consultation comes to a close this week (6 February).

The Sizewell C New Nuclear Build team have met with over 4,000 people over the consultation period, which launched on 21 November, 2012.

There have been almost 100 events held in churches, community centres, offices, village and town halls across the county. From Leiston to Framlingham and Lowestoft to Ipswich the public have had the chance to meet with the team and ask questions about the issues that matter most to them.

Each issue raised will now be considered and recorded. The feedback will be analysed and used to help EDF Energy develop detailed proposals which will be subject to a further stage of consultation.

Richard Mayson, Director Planning and External Affairs for the Sizewell C project said: “It has been an eventful eleven weeks and we have met many local people who have shared their thoughts on the Initial Proposals for Sizewell C. We are determined to make the most of the project for Suffolk and to reduce the potential impact on local people. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who got involved for giving us their time; their comments will help shape the consultation process.”

Once the consultation has closed, EDF Energy will review all the feedback from Stage 1 and start the process of refining plans ahead of further consultation. Richard Mayson said: “It is important we take the necessary time to review the responses to put along-side the various environmental and socio-economic studies that will inform the detailed plans for Sizewell C. We cannot pre-empt the feedback we will have received at Stage 1 and we will keep local communities informed on progress.”

Sizewell C is one of two sites which EDF Energy has plans to develop, the other site is in Somerset.

EDF Energy submitted its application for Hinkley Point C, in Somerset, on 31 October 2011, following more than three years of community consultation and stakeholder engagement which directly shaped the proposals. The application was formally accepted for examination on 24 November 2011 and the six-month examination started on 21 March 2012.

After significant progress last year, a final investment decision on our new nuclear project in Somerset is now within reach. EDF Energy is building a robust business case for that decision. Progress with Government on agreeing a price for the electricity from new nuclear through a Contract for Difference is at the heart of that case and rapid progress on this is now needed to unlock the investment potential of a project which is ready to go. It has the potential to create thousands of jobs and have a long-lasting impact on the UK’s skills and industrial capacity.

Posted by Comms Team