Saxmundham Primary School takes up science challenge

By Comms Team | Published on 14 February 2018 | 2 min read

Thirty pupils from Saxmundham primary school have taken part in a science workshop at Sizewell B designed to enthuse interest in STEM during National Science Week.

The Year 5 students swapped their classrooms for the excitement of a visit to Sizewell B to see just how science is put to use in the real world.

The students toured the interactive visitor centre where they had the chance to see how much power they could generate and then took part in a range of science related experiments.

Highlights of the day including studying friction through the movement of jelly using chopsticks and watching magnetism brought to life using iron filings and different sources of metal.

Miss Denham, Saxmundham Primary School Year 5 Science Teacher, said: “Visits such as this are exciting for the children and show science in a real world experience.”

Niki Rousseau, Sizewell B community relations said:  “We were delighted to welcome Saxmundham Primary School to the Sizewell B visitor centre.  The work we do complements the curriculum and shows how relevant and exciting science can be.”

The Sizewell B visitor centre hosted 150 local students during National Science Week and attended a STEM event at Thomas Mills High School.

Anyone interested in arranging a visit to Sizewell B should contact the visitor centre on 01728 653974.

Posted by Comms Team