You may have seen in the media over the last few weeks that we intend to launch our next stage of public consultation on the Sizewell C proposals early next year. The consultation will run for twelve weeks and will include lots of information about the power station itself and also the associated developments that will be needed to help build the station over a ten-year period, such as park and ride sites, an accommodation campus for workers, and road and rail improvements.
Sizewell C will present a lot of opportunities to Suffolk and the East of England. The project will provide jobs and contracts for East Anglian firms and we will be investing in education and skills to help create the workforce we need to deliver this major project.
The construction of Sizewell C will have impacts, and we need to consult local communities on the best way of mitigating the effects of construction and operation in due course. To that end, we have commissioned a company called Ardent to identify parties who may be affected by our proposals. Ardent will write to land and property owners living near sites where the construction impacts may be experienced. It is important that we know who owns and lives in property nearby so we can make sure they are consulted and we understand their views on our proposals. We will of course be engaging directly with parish councils and all other residents as well.
If you have received a ‘Request for Information’ (RFI) letter from Ardent on behalf of EDF Energy, please fill in the accompanying form. At this stage we simply need the correct details so we can engage directly with residents who may be affected by construction activity – however minimal the impact may be.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on Freephone 0800 197 6102 if you have any questions.