EDF Energy starts search for new apprentices

By Comms Team | Published on 12 February 2018 | 3 min read

Sizewell B power station has started its search for the next apprentices to join the power station in 2017.

Power station staff have visited schools and colleges and have taken part in countywide events such as the Suffolk Skills Show and the Festival of Learning, to raise awareness of the four-year apprenticeship and are now hosting an information event at the Sizewell B visitor centre.

EDF Energy is running an apprentice information event at the Sizewell B Visitor Centre on Saturday 3 December at 10.30am where would-be apprentices can find out more about the award winning training programme.

The start of the apprentice recruitment process coincides with a relaunch of the national campaign to change teenage girls’ perceptions of science and inspire them to pursue science-based careers. EDF Energy hosted four science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) workshops for 400 12-13-year-old girls at Trinity Park in Ipswich earlier this month as part of a drive to encourage more girls to pursue careers in STEM.

Last year, EDF Energy launched #PrettyCurious, a long-term programme to encourage more teenage girls to study STEM. The programme aims to give girls hands-on experiences and provide them with opportunities to learn about the wide range of careers available in STEM.

Paul Morton, Sizewell B station director said: “Sizewell B apprentices and our visitor centre guides have been spreading the word about the apprenticeship scheme at events across the county and now would-be apprentices have the opportunity to come to the Sizewell B visitor centre to see first-hand how an apprenticeship could lead to a fulfilling and long term career.”

The closure date for applications is early in January 2017, when successful applicants will first take tests, followed by interviews and then join an assessment centre before the final selection is made.
After the 2017 apprentices are chosen they and their families will be taken to see HMS Sultan – the Portsmouth-based training facility where the apprentices will spend their first two years.

Away from the classroom the apprentices will enjoy excellent sports and leisure facilities under the watchful eye of the centre’s own team. EDF Energy’s apprentices also undertake an extensive life skills package along with some cultural visits to European cities.

After two years, the apprentices return to their home sites to complete their apprenticeship with on-the-job training.

Applications for the apprentice programme are made through the EDF Energy careers website.

To book a place on the information morning contact the Sizewell B visitor centre on 01728 653397 or email sizewellbtours@edf-energy.com

Posted by Comms Team