Community Update – August 2017

By Comms Team | Published on 12 February 2018 | 3 min read

Feedback from Stage 2 Public Consultation

Following the completion of the Stage 2 Public Consultation on the Sizewell C proposals, EDF Energy is aiming to provide feedback and an update to the community in the Autumn once the company has fully completed the analysis of responses. The responses number over 1,000 and have raised numerous matters and suggestions.

The quality and amount of in-depth feedback received from the general public was outstanding. Because of this high-value feedback the Sizewell C project team has a considerable and ongoing task in grouping, analysing and interpreting the feedback. The project team is taking the necessary time to fully evaluate all of the feedback.

A project newsletter will be circulated once full analysis has been completed.


John joins the Sizewell C team

John McNamara has joined the Sizewell C Project Team as Community Relations Manager. He replaces Amber Brinkley who left the Project to return to her native Florida.

John worked at Sizewell B power station for eight years before leaving to work for British Energy in corporate communications in London in 2003. He also worked for the Nuclear Industry Association, and more recently was head of corporate communications at NuGen working on their nuclear new build development at Moorside, in Cumbria.

John will engage with communities and their representatives across East Suffolk, including parish councils and other statutory and non-statutory consultees, and will be working from the Sizewell C Information Office on Leiston High Street.

The Team is always available to provide project updates and briefings to parishes, community and business groups. Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.


EDF Energy engage at Suffolk Show

This year’s Suffolk Show provided the perfect backdrop for EDF Energy to engage with young people about energy facts and figures.

EDF Energy was one of more than 800 trade exhibitors at the two-day show on 31 May to 1 June at Trinity Park in Ipswich. Young apprentices from Sizewell B engaged with youngsters using interactive activities to show how low-carbon electricity produced at Sizewell B powers over two million homes. More than 4,000 visitors made their way to the EDF Energy marquee, which featured the opportunity to have ‘selfies’ taken with star of the show, Zingy.


Partnering to recognise Suffolk’s business excellence

EDF Energy had the privilege of cosponsoring the prestigious East Anglian Daily Times Business Awards at Trinity Park. This is the sixth year running the Sizewell C project has joined with Suffolk Chamber of Commerce and the EADT to recognise excellence in the Suffolk business community.

Jim Crawford, Sizewell C Project Director paid tribute to all nominated businesses, including Ipswich-based recruiters Sanctuary Personnel, who were crowned Suffolk Business of the year.

Jim said: “It is great to see so much business talent in the region and it is a great pleasure to be part of such a positive evening which recognises innovation, commitment, hard work and sheer passion to be successful.” EDF Energy works closely with the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce to encourage Suffolk business potential as a key part of the company’s approach to the Sizewell C project.

Posted by Comms Team