Sizewell C is inviting the local community to a Come and Sing event at Pro Corda in Leiston Abbey on Saturday 2 December, as it launches a new community arts programme.
The Sizewell Creative arts programme will provide free, accessible, and sustainable arts events and initiatives for the community and local schools. To ensure the programme is wide-ranging and rooted in the community, it will be appointing three new permanent positions for local artists: an Artist in Residence, Poet in Residence, and Writer in Residence positions at Sizewell C.
Julia Pyke, Joint Managing Director at Sizewell C, said: “Suffolk is an area rich in culture and art, and the Sizewell C project offers a great opportunity for all to participate in arts in this area. We’ll be working with great partners in the region and beyond to help create a lasting artistic legacy in Suffolk.”
Sizewell C has forged partnerships with organisations and creatives from across the region to begin developing the programme, and its organising committee features key figures from Suffolk’s creative arts scene.
Come and Sing on Saturday 2 December
The programme’s launch event, Come and Sing (Sat 2 Dec, 13:30 – 16:30), will see Opera Director, Rosalind Parker, alongside Conductor, Tim Brown, lead the community in a celebration of song at the inspirational Leiston Abbey.
All are welcome to the free event, from individuals and families to whole choirs, and a variety of festive refreshments will be available from local artisans throughout the afternoon. Spaces are limited, however, so it is necessary to reserve spaces on the Come and Sing Eventbrite page.
Rosalind Parker said: “We are delighted to be launching a new creative initiative in the area – it’s the start of something big! Come and Sing will be a fun and friendly first event in Sizewell C’s arts programme. You don’t have to have had any singing experience to join in – this is all about coming together and celebrating the beginning of a new creative journey for the local area. There’ll be fun, festive, new and old favourites to sing: it’s going to be magic!”
Come and Sing is one of a number of music events in the Sizewell Creatives programme, created in collaboration with award-winning arts and events producing house, Outdoor Places Unusual Spaces (OPUS).
“We’ve got a great team,” says Rosalind, “and we’ll be building our own professional-community opera from within local schools and villages, which will celebrate in the summer with a special performance.”
More details of Sizewell Creative arts programme will be announced at the Come and Sing launch event, and events, workshops, initiatives, and opportunities will be published on the Sizewell C website over the course of 2024 and beyond.
More information: please contact Nick Osbourne, Media Relations Manager, Sizewell C: / 07384 528466.