Carl is Sizewell C's Communications Manager for Construction
More Suffolk communities are on the verge of getting ultrafast, ultra-reliable full fibre broadband, after a deal agreed between Sizewell C and Openreach saw work begin on building a new fibre connection in and around Leiston.
Engineers are getting ready to build the new network, with fibre cables being brought more than 30 kilometres from local exchanges.
The East Suffolk town, along with nearby villages, is set to benefit during 2024 and the huge engineering build is possible after Openreach agreed a contract to provide connectivity to Sizewell C.
Marjorie Barnes, Head of Regional External Affairs and Development at Sizewell C, said: “We are delighted that Sizewell C is enabling more upgraded services for local communities, from improving transport networks to increasing green spaces and now faster broadband in thousands of homes.”
Tom Read from Openreach’s Chief Engineer team, said: “Our teams are ready to carry out the hard work required to build miles and miles of full fibre underground. It’s a huge task, with dozens of our engineers involved installing new infrastructure, clearing existing blockages and negotiating the more difficult sections along the route. Many of the roads involved are single-track routes, important to local traffic, so we’ll be working with great care.
“The build is being carried out by Openreach’s Chief Engineer team and is anticipated to take up to 12 months to complete.”
To mark the agreement of the scheme, representatives from Sizewell C and Suffolk County Council visited Openreach’s high-tech Four Acre site, near Adastral Park.
During the trip, visitors were able to see how Openreach stress-tests new cables, how different forms of equipment are used to make full fibre available, and to look at some of the latest kit, which is already delivering ultrafast speeds in different parts of the UK.
The exact communities to benefit are still to be finally confirmed but are expected to be in and around the Leiston area, and in surrounding villages.
Carl is Sizewell C's Communications Manager for Construction