Sizewell B has welcomed its 20,000th visit to the power station since the new visitor centre opened in 2012.
Students from Suffolk New College were greeted with cupcakes by the visitor centre guides who were delighted to mark the occasion with the special visitors.
The group of 37 electronics students enjoyed talking to visitor centre guides over tea and cake before going on a tour of the UKs youngest nuclear power station which safely delivers power for 2.5million people.
One of the students visiting from Suffolk New College is also about to embark on a career at the power station. Suzanne Jones, 18, was selected earlier this year to be a Sizewell B apprentice and will be joining the station on 25 August before heading off to the Lake District for an outward bounds course where she will meet other EDF Energy apprentices from power stations across the UK.
Paul Morton, Sizewell B station director said: “We are delighted with the interest that the public, local schools and colleges are showing in the Sizewell B visitor centre which is proving to be a great local resource.”
Russell Eldridge, Lecturer in Electronics at Suffolk New College, said: “The visit to Sizewell B is always impressive and brings STEM subjects to life for our students and shows them the breadth of careers available locally.”